Security Automation & Visibility

Efficiency and effectiveness in cybersecurity are achieved by consolidating information from various sources and automating workflows.

Resources in organizations are limited, especially in the IT sector and even more so in cybersecurity. Therefore, it’s essential to utilize these resources as efficiently as possible. Based on our experience, we know which areas make sense to automate or where it’s worthwhile to purchase data, allowing employees to focus on tasks that require their knowledge, judgment, and creativity. The significant benefit for employees: Less frustration due to the automation of monotonous routine tasks.

Learn how employees in cybersecurity can be relieved from routine tasks.

Areas in which employees can be supported

Workflow automation

Automating workflows in cybersecurity and IT increases efficiency and effectiveness by optimizing threat detection, security processes, compliance management, and incident response, reducing human error, and improving cross-department collaboration.

Cyber asset management

A comprehensive asset management system integrates various asset types such as IT hardware, software, cloud resources, and IoT devices into a centralized platform, providing a holistic overview and enhancing security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

Dark web monitoring

Dark Web Monitoring is a proactive cybersecurity measure that helps organizations to detect and respond to potential threats such as stolen data and sensitive information at an early stage by continuously scanning the dark web for relevant information.

Threat intelligence

Threat intelligence is the proactive process of collecting, analyzing, and applying information about cyber threats to identify risks early and implement targeted countermeasures.

Global risk exchange for 3rd parties

A central data exchange of risk information enables organizations to manage risk data more efficiently by providing a unified collection and analysis of third-party risk assessments, compliance information, cybersecurity evaluations, and operational risk factors, allowing informed decisions and quick responses to a changing risk landscape.

E-Mail Security

Organisationen sollten KI-gestützte Technologien einsetzen, um täuschend echte Phishing-E-Mails zu erkennen, denn Cyberkriminelle nutzen zunehmend künstliche Intelligenz, um herkömmliche Schutzmassnahmen zu umgehen und Mitarbeiter zu täuschen.


Regulierungen wie der Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) setzen neue Standards für Cybersicherheit und bieten Organisationen die Möglichkeit, ihre Sicherheitskultur zu stärken und sich Wettbewerbsvorteile zu sichern, während sie gleichzeitig die regulatorischen Anforderungen erfüllen.

Your steps to Success

From our experience with numerous client projects, we know where automation and purchasing information make sense. Let’s work together to ensure that employees are relieved from routine tasks and can focus their creativity where it matters most.

Our latest articles

At Cybovate, we regularly share our insights on new trends in the security industry, host open events and discussion panels, and highlight success stories from our projects.

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